Friday, February 12, 2016

Dobie and Me - Chapter 10

Read Chapter 9 here

The house seemed fuller, and emptier, when my sons visited me. There was much noise when they were around, much laughter, teasing and fights. Much love.

And then, when they went off to meet their friends, I felt the silence pressing against me.

Their timings were uncertain, as usual, putting me in a bind. I had to accept that they were adults and had to have a life of their own. I tried to resume mine, but a sort of lethargy set in and I stayed in the limbo – neither able to work nor meet friends, nor enjoy the holidays completely.

When Gautam walked in the next Monday, I felt a strange sense of relief! Dobie needed show no constraint and happily put his forepaws on Gautam’s shoulders. Gautam reciprocated with equal openness, “Yes, old man, how have you been?” He gave Dobie a biscuit and he showed me a string of beads. “Made by the natives of the hills. I got this for you, hope you like it…” The brown beads were of different sizes, but set to a pattern. I smiled unable to contain my excitement at his thoughtfulness and thanked him.

I introduced my sons to him and invited Gautam to join us for breakfast. I questioned him about the trip as I prepared poha. I could see my sons were curious about this man but too polite to ask anything in front of him. They joined in the conversation sportively. But, as usual, since they had plans after breakfast, they left. Gautam helped me clear up and make tea. Strangely, I felt shy being alone with Gautam suddenly!

He too seemed affected for I caught him glancing at me several times. But he would turn away when our eyes met.

Once tea was ready, we sat down in the veranda with our tea cups. The air was nippy and the sun pleasant. Dobie sat contentedly between us, languid and relaxed.

“I missed our conversations,” Gautam said. I turned to look at him, but he was studiously gazing at my lawn.

I smiled, finding safety in silence.

“I am sure you were too busy to notice my absence,” he said and looked at me from the corner of his eyes. Catching my eye, he laughed sheepishly and I joined in. “I know I sound childish…”

“As a matter of fact,” I started as I turned to look at him better and paused, wanting to see his reaction. “As a matter of fact,” I started again and smiled at his eager look, “seeing you this morning was a pleasure.”

He leaned towards me, and said earnestly, “In the last few months since I met you, my life has changed completely.”

I felt like a parrot but could not help saying, “Mine too.”

“Can I take you out for dinner one of these days?” he asked.

I felt dizzy with pleasure but hesitant too. “The boys leave sometime mid-week. Maybe after they leave?” I asked. I would feel embarrassing telling them who I was going out to dinner with!

Just then the doorbell rang and we moved back, startled. I felt like a teenager worried about being caught alone with her boyfriend by her parents. I rushed to the door and saw Shiv talking on the phone. He came in, went to his room and closed the door. Gautam and I exchanged glances.

“Let me get going,” he said in a shaky voice; maybe he felt just as nervous.

(For Chapter 11, Click Here)

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